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Re: .. slider -- fixing R 4.2.2-only bug in as.Date.POSIXlt()

On 10 November 2022 at 12:03, Martin Maechler wrote:
| NEWS entry (in R-patched only at the moment):

It was not clear from your email whether it would be possible for you to
distill out a patch. Are you in effect saying "4.2.2.patched or nothing"?

What I suggested yesterday was to aim for a more minimal surgical change to
4.2.2. We all believe in releases that are properly marked (and tested).  I
would prefer to not jump wholesale into 4.2.2.patched likely containing more
unrelated changes (though hopefully not too many given how recent 4.2.2 was).


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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