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Re: Ruby packaging in wheezy: gem2deb, new policy, etc.

On 04/03/11 at 22:56 -0500, Christopher Lunsford wrote:
> > Agreed on this as well. As gems are added for more apps, libFOO-ruby
> > doesn't make nearly as much sense as ruby-FOO.
> I feel like libFOO-ruby makes more sense because ruby-FOO does not mention that
> the package is even a library. The Python naming scheme feels like it is
> deviating from the Debian naming scheme I've always known.

On the other hand, nobody in the ruby community uses the "library" word

> > 3) Should we change our packaging workflow? Using gem2deb, it would be quite
> > easy to use git-buildpackage with:
> Please think of people that do not have direct access to the internet.
> Subversion is rough offline. Particularly 'svn log'.

What is missing is a clear vision of how we would work with Git. There's
some preliminary work on

> > 4) How should we migrate to the new packages? If we want to enable test suites
> > during build (which would be a good thing)
> Testing is great but it depends on other packages|gems. I feel like Debian has
> it's own QA that does not rely on mocha or another gem that catches upstream's
> agile eyes.

Debian doesn't have a standard testing tool, so we are going to use what
upstream uses, on a per-gem basis. It's only during the build-process
that we are going to do that, not at installation time, so we don't
inflict any additional dependency to the users.

> I'd like to bring up the debate about 1.8 still being in Debian. We should drop
> it in favor of having only one interpreter. Right now I have 3 ruby
> interpreters on my machine: 1.8, 1.9.1, and trunk. I understand that there are
> a lot of packages that rely on 1.8 but I bet they have newer releases that run
> on 1.9.* or are dead upstream. Unlike python2* there will be no more ruby1.8.*
> releases.

I don't think that the discussion about Ruby 1.8.8 reached a conclusion
yet. We should be prepared to switch to 1.9.1 for wheezy, but I'm not
sure if we are ready already. We will know when we will have packaged
some libs, and see if the test suite work ;)

- Lucas

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