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Re: gem2deb

On 04/03/11 at 22:54 -0500, Christopher Lunsford wrote:
> gem2deb is not installing for me. The issue is on line 65 and 218 of
> lib/gem2deb/dhruby.rb. The find_files functions uses Dir::chdir twice in the
> same block which presents errors. Is it possible to use the glob and index
> methods to populate the files[] array?

Which version of ruby are you using? Anyway, patch welcomed.

> Another, maybe more important, issue I am having with gem2deb is the core
> concepts surrounding it. Why not just use gem commands in debian/rules? For
> example: 'gem build', 'gem install', 'gem uninstall', 'gem whatever'. I have
> read on this mailing list that Debian does not want to rely on another package
> manager but is that not what gem2deb is doing as well?

Because we are not installing as gems, but as third-party libs in
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby ?

> My apologies if this is the wrong place to discuss gem2deb specifically.

No, this is the correct place.


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