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Re: Naming of source and binary packages (Was: Ruby packaging in wheezy: gem2deb, new policy, etc.)

Lucas Nussbaum escreveu isso aí:
> OK, but then we have a problem: gem2deb currently generates source
> packages named like the gem. This might be OK as a default, but I think
> that we should have an option to switch to ruby-* source naming.
> Anyone willing to make the changes?

Actually it generates source packages with the same as the gem, and
binary packages named like ruby-* by default.

I've fixed that and sent you a pull request:

> In the meantime, I will make a first upload of the gem2deb package to
> Debian experimental. The other changes (installation of gemspec ; ruby-*
> source name) can wait for the next upload.
> I'll post the link of the wiki page to -devel@ shortly, too.
> I think that the plan could be:
> - upload gem2deb to experimental
> - upload updated interpreter packages to experimental
> - update a dozen of libs to use gem2deb, upload to experimental
> If everything is fine at this point, move everything to unstable.
> Comments?

Just one thing: since there is no previous version of gem2deb in
unstable, I don't see the point of uploading it to experimental first.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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