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Re: New interpreter packages available for testing

Antono Vasiljev escreveu isso aí:
> On Sun, 2011-03-06 at 10:04 +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > Note that we have two alternatives trees (one for ruby, one for gem). It's not
> > convenient to have a single one with alternatives. I think that it would make
> > sense to have a separate "ruby-switcher" tool, that would:
> > - change all alternatives at the same time
> > - ensure that needed native packages are installed
> > Any takers?
> Probably I can take this. 
> We need ruby-switcher to keep in sync versions for ruby and gem via
> alternatives system. Other thing i would like to keep in sync and switch
> with ruby version is /var/lib/gems/*/bin/. Can we manage it via
> alternatives system too?

I don't think we should have different alternatives configurations for
the the various ruby-related binaries. If a user decides that she wants
"Ruby 1.9", then ruby, irb, gem etc, should all be the ones provided by
Ruby 1.9; I think that irb/gem/etc should be slaves of the choice for

IMO such ruby-switcher tool is an unecessary layer on top of something
that already does what we need to be done, and has years of testing
(i.e. the Debian alternatives system).

Lucas, could you please ellaborate on why you think we should have
different alternatives for each Ruby-related binary?

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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