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Re: gem2deb status update

On 22/03/11 at 19:43 +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> I fixed a few minor things in gem2deb tonight. Current debian/TODO items
> that should be fixed before we can make the switch:
> 1) native packages should ship everything in the same binary package,
> not in 3 different packages.
> then, dependencies (shlibs) should be hacked accordingly.
> mail from Raphael Hertzog:
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > What is the correct way to override what dpkg-shlibdeps detects?
> Either you replace the dependency associated to the interpreters'
> libraries by providing debian/shlibs.local (or any other file that you
> indicate with -L) or you tell dpkg-shlibdeps to put the dependencies for
> the .so files of interest in another variable like ${shlibs:Suggest}
> (mixing -d and -e options as appropriate on the command line).

I've worked on that. See my only-one-binpkg branch on github.

Personally, I like it that way, but I would like others (esp. Antonio,
but others are welcomed too!) to review the changes and comment. If we
go that way, there's still some cleanup to do:
- simplify lib/gem2deb/dh_ruby.rb and lib/gem2deb/dh_make_ruby.rb since
  we don't have to handle several binary packages anymore
- fix the test suite and reenable the tests that are failing

- Lucas

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