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Re: Bug#591817

On 29/03/11 at 11:36 -0700, Steven Baker wrote:
> >> My package is waiting for my mentor to check it over.
> >> 
> >> I suppose I could make a repository and publish that.
> > 
> > I suppose that would be a good idea, yes. But maybe you could contribute
> > to Antono's packaging effort instead?
> Why would I contribute to a packaging effort that is newer than my own? I don't understand.

Your effort started on August 5th.

On Sep 25th, you said "you would have the test packages ready to go in
the next few days".

On Oct 20th, I pinged the bug report, Ccing you, but you did not reply.

On Dec 29th, you said you were "meeting with your mentor in a day or two
to get them uploaded".

On Jan 10th, I pinged you again, without reply.

So, after 7 months:
- we still haven't seen any code from you
- we don't know who your mentor is
- you have been repeatably ignoring pings

When you do you plan to make your code public? What are your plans
regarding co-maintainance? What are your plans regarding ruby libraries
packaged in Debian?

Maintaining a package that is part of the
Ruby toolchain requires strong commitment and availability. I don't want
to discourage you from contributing to Debian, but I hope that you will
do so with the help of more experienced contributors, and not on your


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