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Re: Bug#591817:


> When you do you plan to make your code public? What are your plans
> regarding co-maintainance? What are your plans regarding ruby libraries
> packaged in Debian?
> Maintaining a package that is part of the
> Ruby toolchain requires strong commitment and availability. I don't want
> to discourage you from contributing to Debian, but I hope that you will
> do so with the help of more experienced contributors, and not on your
> own.

The two pings slipped by, sorry about that. I wasn't aware a significant number of people outside of my own echo chamber were terribly interested in Rubinius packages. I'm doing it out of self interest, and the specific request of the Rubinius team. If others are more interested, that's excellent news!

I have been waiting for about a month for mentor to check over most recent stuff. I will ping him today and see if I should try something new.


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