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Re: gem2deb: support for building using setup.rb

Vincent Fourmond escreveu isso aí:
>   Hello,
> On 11/05/11 21:24, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> >>   OK. I've reverted the commits I had pushed to master, and stored them
> >> on the setup-rb branch. I'll merge any change necessary from your commits.
> > 
> > Ok, I've pushed my master branch there. It would be nice if you could
> > provide a clean set of changes on top of that, with:
> > 
> >   * one commit with the refactoring of the destdir calculations (that's
> >     a nice catch, thanks!)
> >   * one commit that adds the new class, the corresponding change in
> >     the dh_ruby script for intantiating the correct class.
>   ... I've split the later one, is it a huge deal ? I like
> small-but-consistent commits (all intermediate commits run fine).

No, that's perfect. I like that commit strategy too.

> > http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-ruby-extras/gem2deb.git;a=commitdiff;h=fb547d84b5545ac5dee8de9023ccae51d5cf61da
> > 
> > So you should be good by overriding install_files_and_build_extensions
> > on your new class.
>   I've done that, and did as well for tests so far, but just stating it
> is currently not supported. I need to dig a little more into this.
> > after (or instead of) `setup.rb clean`, shouldn't you also do `setup.rb distclean`?
> > (I think ruby-pkg-tools does something like that)
>   I've changed to distclean.
>   I've attached an archive of git format-patch, to avoid blundering too
> much with the master repository.

That looks nice!

I didn't understand, however, why you overrode run_tests to disable them:
as far as I can see, the way of running the package tests used in
the main dh_ruby must work ok.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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