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Re: help with running tests for rails using gems

On 06/04/2013 12:46 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:
On 06/04/2013 12:19 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

4) I haven't yet figured out how to run this.  I keep getting errors
about local changes. I'm now off to learn quilt.


I can now run with this patch, and get further.  Next up: a series of
error messages that look like

     Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
       undefined method `load_session' for nil:NilClass
     # ./spec/support/controller_builder.rb:53:in
     # ./spec/support/controller_builder.rb:45:in `build_response'

Don't apply the previous patch.

I can reproduce the above error with the following commands:

rails new foobar
cd foobar
rails generate scaffold Product title
rake db:migrate
rake test

Relevant line in testapp/test/test_helper.rb:

require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)

These errors may be related.  The latter error is clearly a Rails problem.

- Sam Ruby

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