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Re: ruby-em-http-request upload

2013/6/6 Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier@gmail.com>:
> I had a look at the tests and it seems the author wanted to test
> creation of objects directly from JSON. (Un)fortunately, after
> CVE-2013-026 has been fixed, creation of objects from JSON parsing needs
> an additional option ::create_additions to be set to true.
> I did that instead, and split the patch in two parts,separating rubygems
> stuff. I've just forwarded upstream the part about JSON.
> I've also removed the first line of the long description in
> debian/control, which seems to be a repetition of the better text below
> it.
> Please check the two last commits in the team repo.
> Cheers,
> Cédric

Thanks! I just uploaded it. em-http-request needs http_parser.rb and
not http_parser, so off to packaging that next.
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