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Re: RFS: ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1

On 16-05-11 09:53:06, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> The only mistake I could find by looking at the source is in
> `debian/copyright`:
> “MIT” is an ambiguous term for the licence, see
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License#Various_versions>.
> The term most often refers to the Expat license:
> <http://www.jclark.com/xml/copying.txt>

Thanks, wasn't aware of this.

> Could you check and specify “Expat” if it's the case?

Well, actually I've just took the license the upstream author provided
[1]. Should I clarify this with him?

> Have you tried to run autopkgtest for the package? I know it's one
> more thing to setup, but it's now fairly easy and you won't regret it.
> Uploading a package that breaks stuff is not a fun experience.

I didn't set up autopkgtest, because I disabled the tests. This decision
was not an easy one, because it felt quite 'hakish'; I've spent something 
like four hours to try to find a way to make this work. I ran the tests
manually, in an environment with only gpg1 installed, and all passed. 

In the end, I've decided to disable test test _for now_, and planned 
to re-enable these "soon". But yes, maybe you're right, to fix these
first, and upload afterwards.

Thanks for your input Lunar!

[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-mail-gpg.git/tree/LICENSE.txt?h=upstream#n3

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