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Faraday 2 transition (was Re: Many ruby library transitions for gitlab reupload to experimental)

On Sat, Jun 17 2023 at 06:50:02 PM +05:30:00 +05:30:00, Pirate Praveen <praveen@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:
I'm using this pad to track the reuploads

- ruby-countries - it built fine locally, but failed on the buildd so
help is welcome to check one failing test
skipped the failing test for now.

ruby-faraday: will need fixing 15 packages, some of them already fixed upstream, though needs packaging some new gems which were split from faraday. Help is very much welcome here.

I have gone through all the failures and categorized the failures to,

- fixed upstream: ruby-acme-client 1025098 (need new gem: ruby-faraday-retry in new - praveen), ruby-asana 1025097 (need new gems: faraday-multipart in new - praveen and faraday-follow_redirects), ruby-graphlient 1025084 (gitlab should be updated along with it), ruby-puppet-forge 1025078, rabbit 1037963

- fixed in upstream pull request: ruby-azure-storage-common 1025095 (need faraday-net_http_persistent)

- fail: ruby-typhoeus 1025075 (need new gem typhoeus-faraday)

- reported upstream: ruby-gh 1025090,

- deprecated: ruby-faraday-middleware 1025092, ruby-ms-rest 1037992 and ruby-ms-rest-azure 1037994 (these should be removed after https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ruby/gems/gitlab-fog-azure-rm/-/issues/3), ruby-google-cloud-translate 1025085 (leaf package, can be removed)

- ignored (leaf package): ruby-behance 1025094

So I'm pausing this transition till gitlab upstream updates graphlient and gitlab-fog-azure-rm. Help is welcome on the new faraday gems (faraday-follow_redirects, faraday-net_http_persistent) updating packages already fixed upstream.

All of these requploaded to unstable (now only ruby-recaptcha and ruby-ruby-parser is left)

These two reuploaded as well, ruby-ruby-parser test failure was fixed when ruby-sexp-processor was updated.

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