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Re: OT: Le trophées du Libre 2009


Francesco P. Lovergine <frankie@debian.org> (2009-01-08 15:24:25) :
> Sorry for being a bit off-topic but this list is probably quite visible
> among different people and projects of interest for science.
> Terms are open for the 2009 edition of the prize, and it would be nice
> if information would be spread among science related projects, because
> also this is it will host a science section:
> http://www.trophees-du-libre.org/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,en/
> Thanks
> PS: It would be nice if you would spam^Wspread a brief note among your 
> upstream lists.

  Last day for registration in this contest (with its science section)
is tomorrow (February, 15th).

  By the way, the winner of the contest in 2007 in the science section
was Sage (sagemath) that has recently entered Debian thanks to the
packaging efforts of Tim Abbott. Much deserved congrats for his work!

Best regards,
Frédéric Lehobey
(Disclaimer : as Francesco is, I have been appointed as a member of
the jury but I do not have any special link with CETRIL, the
organizers of the contest)

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