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Re: RFS: calculix-ccx -- CalculiX CrunchiX is a three dimensional structual Finite Element Solver

2015-02-19 21:02 GMT+01:00 Wolfgang Fuetterer <debian@wlf-online.de>:
> Older versions of the program are not available after the release of a new
> version. The authors mentioned that on their mailing list[2]. Unfortunately
> the list is only available for registered users. Will that be a problem in the
> future?

I do not think so. I just wanted to find 2.7 version.

> Another Problem: the upstream source tarballs are divided. There is a tarball
> with the source code and tarballs for the documentation and test files. I
> extract all tarballs in a directory and repacked it to get a single orig.tar
> file. I will add a README.source file and document this procedure. Is that ok or
> should I consider to use different git repositories. One for the program
> source, one for the documentation and one for the test files?

There is an opportunity to use multiple tarballs [1], but I never used
this option. You should decide, how will it better for you to maintain
the package.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#How_to_use_multiple_upstream_tarball_in_3.0_.28quilt.29_format.3F

But for the first upload I would use just a plain tarball of 2.8p1 version,
which is available on the website and d/watch can easily download it.
But, again, you should decide it yourself.



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