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Re: Installation Problem

Hello Ben,

Thanks for the reply.  I tried your suggestion and recevied this:

Warning: Fcode sequence resulted in a net stack depth change of 1
the file just loaded does not appear to be executable

I remember seeing something in the archives about this but can't seem to find it now... not even with google.

At 10:11 AM 2/11/2004, Ben Collins wrote:
On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 08:44:53AM -0800, Alex Flores wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to install Debian 3.0 r1 on a E450 UltraSparc II.
> Everything seems to go fine but I do get an error. The error happens right
> after I select to option to "Configure Device Driver Modules".  The error
> is : "cannot create /proc/sys/kernel/modporbe : directory nonexistent".
> I am allowed to continue to I continue through the rest of the installation
> process and restart.  Upon restart I get this error: "the file just loaded
> does not appear to be executable".
> Now I am not sure if the first error is what is causing the second
> error.  I am new to SPARC/Solaris but not new to Linux.  I've used Linux
> (RedHat) extensively but not Debian and not on SPARC.
> Any help would be appreciated.

The first error means nothing. The second error sounds like you aren't
booting the correct disk, or that you didn't install the boot loader (or
the boot loader installed incorrectly). Try doing STOP-A at the OBP and
type "boot disk1".

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