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[Debconf13-ch] Next steps in the Bid process (report from the Debconf Team meeting)

Hi all

Just a short report from the Debconf team meeting that just finished for
all those that were not able to take part. The following was decided:

- Only the latvian and our bid remain.
- The final decision meeting will be within the next 28 days. The date
  should be decided in the next 10 days.
- The questioning of the bid teams will continue on the debconf-team
  mailinglist until then. Please subscribe to the this list if you have
  not done so yet.
- There were some concerns about both the costs of both bids. And there
  is an open question about the network connectivity in vaumarcus on the 
  debconf-team list.

What we should do now (IMHO):
- Answer the network connectivity question
- Negotiate with Vaumarcus about the food prices.
- See if we can get any early sponsorship promises.
- Answer as good as we can any questions on the list that might come up?

Who is going to take care of one of these items? Anything else we should
do until the next meeting? Any comments from the other meeting attendees?


P.S.: I'll have only limited network access until next Saturday.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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