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Re: please help test debian frozen

I recently upgraded a mostly slink box to potato over the net. 
Fortunately I had access to a high-speed line.  Even then, it took a
while.  I was pretty impressed by the whole thing.  

The only problem I had during installation was a perl-4 vs perl-5
conflict.  It suggested I use a particular apt option (I don't remember
which one now but the docs said never use this unless you really know
what you are doing -- as if).  Well, I held my breath and tried the
option, it reported lots of errors but said 'proceeding as you
request.'  When the dust settled, everything was fine.

Several days later I noticed problems with lpd.  Near the top of
/etc/init.d/lpd (lpr version I think) it checks for the existence of
/usr/sbin/pac.  Well, I had no /usr/sbin/pac so ldp was never starting. 
To fix the problem I had to switch between lpr and lprng a few times.  I
don't remember what the exact history of this box was with respect to
printing, or even what was installed at the time of the upgrade.  But at
some point I noticed some error messages about /var/spool/lpd not being
empty.  There may have been a stale lpd.lock file that was throwing
things off both at install time and at run time (old lpd was never being
stopped -- possibly because of missing /usr/sbin/pac).  

I ended up manually deleting the /var/spool/lpd tree.  After a few more
attempts at both lpr and lprng, lpr finally started working, so I left
good enough alone.

Sorry I didn't keep notes on this situation because it seemed like
something was not quite right.  There might have also been permissions
problems on the spool directory for my printer, but at that point I had
been doing some serious manual hacking to get things working, so I'm not
sure what caused what.


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