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potato upgrade failed

Dear debian's
	I tried upgrading to potato, and it failed probably due to my own
fault, but either way here is the asorted story.

	I have a basic p133mhz with 32mb ram, 2gig hard disk, 4 gig hard disk,
a 100mb hard disk, and cdrom; all IDE.  I was running slink happily, and
one day in some fit of instanity I decided to upgrade to potato.  I was
not worried about the system crashing, as I dual boot linux with os/2,
and I have access to other computers (here at work).  I allready had the
latest kernel which possibly caused some problems...

	All I did was change the path that dselect looks for packages to the
unstable and ran an upgrade.  I was not in a xdm or gdm session, however
gdm does attempt to start normally on my boot up but failes always, I
did not consider that, I was not in x either, just in a normal bash
shell logged in as root.  I have a 33.6 modem connection so as you can
guess it took quite a while... and I did it twice as some packages I
believe may have been upgraded during the initial download!! (as they
could not be found, ran the upgrade again and it found them)

	Now this is where it gets interesting and unfortunately I did not have
a script recording (to my knowledge atleast... I'm a newbie).  And so I
came across and error installing the new libc, not thinking to much of
it (this is where I declare myself stupid newbie), I ran
install/remove/configure a few more times still not being able to
complete without an error.  For some reason I decided to close dselect. 
Then uh oh!  I could not  even shutdown or log into another virtual
terminal.  Nor could I run dir or any other commands.  Here is where I
started frantically writing down the errors. When logging into another
terminal (actually just entering the username, not event he password) I

/bin/login: sh: error in loading shrared libraries libreadline.so.2:
failed to map segment from shared object: cannont allocate memory

/sbin/getty: sh: error in loading shrared libraries libreadline.so.2:
failed to map segment from shared object: cannont allocate memory   
/sbin/getty error came 10 times
Init: ID "3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

I tried shutdown with a -n to ignore init but it did not work I got sh:
error in loading shrared libraries libreadline.so.2: failed to map
segment from shared object: cannont allocate memory

rebooted using power switch and after mount & freeing unused kernel
memory init: error in loading shared libraries : libc.so.6: failed to
map segment from shared object:  Cannot allocate memory

	I can boot off my recovery disk, and I am hoping there is someway I can
repair the damage... does dselect have a script automatically running
that I can use to figure out what happened?

	What is the recommended path for upgrading to potato from slink? Should
have asked that ealier ;-)


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