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Re: Uploaded boot-floppies 2.2.4 (source all) to master

Brandon Mitchell <bmitch@surfree.com> writes:

>    What can the testing group do that would be the most beneficial to the
> boot floppy group at this time?  Should we be testing that the kernel
> boots and detects hardware, or that the base system works properly under a
> chroot environment, or is it time to start doing complete installations?
> I assume any problems should be reported through the BTS.

Complete installations.  Especially the new 'net-fetch' installation
technique.  Ignore the 'network' installation technique, that
shouldn't be in there I think.

We are going to give a complete facelift to the post-reboot
configuration, but dbootstrap itself should be more or less
functional.  Obviously, there are still critical problems in modconf.

I can also confirm that PCMCIA installation seems to be broken.

However, the new dbootstrap/libfdisk makes it so that IDE and SCSI
disks and cd-roms are automatically detected.  I would very much like
to know that that support is functional.  In particular, I'm curious
if non-ATAPI CD-ROMS are support properly.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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