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Re: USB mouse recognition

Beat Rupp <beat.rupp@gmx.net> cum veritate scripsit:

> > Hmm... I think /dev/input/mice should probably be created regardless of 
> > whether a user has a USB mouse.
> > 
> > The "if installed" part will be satisfied if you are using devfs.

> How should I know whether devfs is used or not? Or in other words, what 
> is the default method when installing Debian (Woody of course)?

woody will not default to devfs, because it introduces too much change.

So, the thing is /dev/input/mice should probably exist in any case
regardless of USB existence, and the package providing the 
objects under /dev/ should be fixed. 

I recommend filing a bug against such package, but I could not 
remember which package offhand.

It could be somewhere along base-files or debootstrap.

> Well, you probably don't like to hear from me that I used 
> "debian-unofficial" CDs. They are dated 01/03/2002, from 
> ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian-unofficial/.
> I think that they contain boot-floppies 3.0.18-2001-12-21. I don't know 
> the exact version of installer in this package.

Sounds reasonable. This bug may have been fixed in the 20 days or so 
since it was created, or maybe it still exists.
That needs some checking.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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