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Re: isdn recognition in kernel 2.6.0

* David A. Patterson (sdpatt2@ji-net.com) [031221 06:25]:
> Okay, I'm stumped - upgrade to 2.6.0 with either make-kpkg or 
> traditional compile results in the ipppd returning "can't locate 
> isdnctrl in /dev/isdnctrl or device/isdn/isdnctrl - no such device"
> the HiSax driver is in the kernel and I have the correct version of 
> module-init-tools: I can insert and remove modules.
> Boot back with a 2.4 series kernel and all is well with isdn.
> Am I doomed to 2.4 forever?  Or is there something I can do?

There are some issues with isdn and 2.6. The "traditional" way to
access ISDN (included /dev/ttyI*) are deprecated. That is not a debian
issue, but it's (at least for me and a the moment) a show stopper for
using 2.6.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

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