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Re: Could not install Sarge

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > We tried to install from Sarge cds 1, 2, and 3 and were not able to
> > install a clean Xwindows.  The images came from a Switzerland mirror
> > (Zurich, I think).  Three times we formatted the drive and three
> > times it failed -- this drive has absolutely no triouble with any
> > other Linux work and passes the thorough hard drive test with no
> > errors.  Is this the kind of a problem I can expect from a "testing"
> > version of Debian?      
> > 
> I don't really understand the problem, even after reading all three of
your messages.
> You got an error installing Sarge?
> You got Sarge installed but have a problem using X?
> You cannot get X working?
> You had problems installing due to the mirrors?

Sorry about the repeat messages -- my fault.

I installed Sarge r5 and it installed just about everything except X.  I
could not find an executable X in my drive.  It could be a mirror
problem but I don't know yet. 

> More information is needed.  Video card brand and type if you are
having problems with X so it can be reported to the proper maintainer,
more information in general if its other problems.

My video card is:  NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420.



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