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Bug#416239: upgrade-reports: upgrade report from Sarge Japanese environment to Etch

Hi Kenshi,

On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 03:42:58PM +0900, kmuto wrote:
> * vmware i386
> * Initial Sarge installation with Japanese desktop and uim, mlterm, and
>   mlterm-im-uim

Could you be more precise about which packages are included in this?  Not
having vmware, I can't find an obvious way to get a "Japanese desktop" task
outside of the installer.

I have installed the desktop task, and added the three packages you listed
using aptitude, and can reproduce the problem of removing KDE.  It would be
good to know exactly which package set you're using, though, to be assured
that any solution I find is relevant.

> Comment:
> 'aptitude install initrd-tools libfam0 xlibmesa-glu x11-common'
> trys to remove many packages such as KDE.
> I dropped x11-common from the install target, then the installation
> succeeded.

Hmm, but x11-common needed to be added to the list in order for server
upgrades to work... :/

> 'aptitude dist-upgrade' just removed mozilla / mozilla-locale-ja without
> replacing by iceweasel.

This isn't reproducible with the package set I had; 'mozilla-browser' is
among the packages being upgraded in the dist-upgrade.

> 'check which kernels are installed with dpkg -l *-image-* | grep ^ii',
> but Sarge installed -386 flavour. So I think it is better to describe
> about the name change of 386->486 in upgrade-note.

Agreed.  Would you mind updating the wiki with this comment?

> After 'aptitude update (get gpg sigs)', I had to do 'aptitude dist-upgrade'
> again because libuim* was still hold status by a dependency issue.
> By 2nd 'aptitude dist-upgrade', mlterm and uim were upgraded correctly.
> I think some other packages may need 2nd dist-upgrade also.

Yeah, very annoying, that, and definitely needs to be documented. :/

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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