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incomplete ec/tc fonts in tetex-extra of potato(and woody)

Hi all,

I noticed some incompleteness of ec/tc fonts in tetex-extra
of potato and woody.  I might misunerstand but the situation
is as follows;

In tetex-extra 0.9.981113-2(slink), there are tcrm1200.mf and 
tcrm1000.mf but in tetex-extra 1.0-10(potato) and 1.0.2-2(woody), 
there are no tcrm1200.mf nor tcrm1000.mf and there is only tcrm.mf.

Furthermore by the 00inst.txt of jkanppen in CTAN site, it seems
ecstdedt.tex and tcstdedt.tex are also needed to generate these 
(or some other files?) but these do not exist in potato and woody 
version of tetex-extra but do exist in slink version.

This might be a bug of upstream tetex distribution but might
be rather important bug, IMHO.

I found this possible bug while I was latex'ing some sample documents
recently and I did not so throughly investigate this yet so I might
misunderstand something.  Please someone check if I am right or not
and if I am right how to do, or how we could do?

For reference;

- In my sysytem with tetex 1.0.2-2

nsx:~/scr/tex/work/pack$ dpkg -L tetex-extra | grep tcrm

- I reserved Contents-i386.gz of slink in ~/misc/pack/slink
nsx:~$ zgrep tcrm ~/misc/pack/slink/Contents-i386.gz 
usr/lib/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/tc/tcrm.mf		    tex/tetex-extra
usr/lib/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/tc/tcrm1000.mf	    tex/tetex-extra
usr/lib/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/tc/tcrm1200.mf	    tex/tetex-extra

Best Regards,		         2000.8.7

 Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp>
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

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