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Bug#68492: I can't reproduce this

"AK" == Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp>

    AK> I did not investigate so precisely but when I compiled
    AK> test2.tex with latex then certainly the generated DVI
    AK> lacked the black circular points in front of the item's.


    AK> The included files seem the same and the difference I
    AK> noticed is that original latex is of "LaTeX2e <1999/12/01>
    AK> patch level 1" but jlatex is of "LaTeX2e <1999/06/01>
    AK> patch level 1".

Hmm.  Unfortunately, I'm running LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level
1 (the version that ships with woody's teTeX), and I *can't*
reproduce the problem.  I suspect that Adrian's running the same
version, and he can't reproduce it, either.

    AK> The diff of latex.ltx's between '99/06/01 and '99/12/01 is
    AK> (trivial diff, i.e. the parts of comments are removed);

I don't see anything that's changed that should affect the bullets
in an itemized list.

    AK> My system is of potato but tetex-* are of woody (but might
    AK> be not the latest).

I have the same versions of the packages installed as Atsuhito.

I also tried installing cjk-latex, which didn't show the problem.
(I'm assuming that's where jlatex comes from, but I could be
wrong.)  Then I removed cjk-latex and tried installing cslatex
(which, in turn, installed csplain and cstexfonts), but that
didn't show the problem, either.  I'm stumped.  I think we need
more information about Martin's setup.  (Or for Martin to make
sure he's running the same version of the packages the rest of us


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