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Bug#95980: black borders on all images

Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de> schrieb:

> On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 11:02, Frank Küster wrote:
>> I think in order to not annoy the amsmath people, we should minimize
>> this preamble so that the error can easily be seen. Do you agree that
>> the following minimal document shows the error, at least with respect to
>> the vertical line?
> Yes.
>> >> I could not see any problems, viewing with gv-3.5.8-26.1 from woody. 
>> >
>> > Of course not; as I wrote, the bug only uncovers with latex2html.
>> Since latex2html uses latex to create a ps picture (right?), it must
>> also show up with plain latex.
> As Ross Moore pointed out, the problem only shows up on bitmap file
> conversion done by latex2html. Not by latex.

Then it is not clear to me whether we are talking about the same
problem. When I run latex2html over the original blatt7.tex, I get a
file blatt7/images.tex. When I run this file through latex separately, I
get a dvi file that contains the matrix table with a \hline and two
additional, thicker lines, one on the left and one below. The one on the
left intersects with the \hline, while I assume it should only just meet
it at its left end. Is this the bug in question?

In the test document I included in my previous mail, I get an analogous
behavior: The line of the \fbox intersects with the \hline instead of
just touching it.

Is this not the error in \hline you were talking about? And if no, which
is the command latex2html uses to convert the ps file to a bitmap?

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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