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Re: LuaTeX 1.0.0?

On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 11:18:16PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> > that all is needed is to copy the context postinst code to within the
> > run_mtxrun_if_possible function in tex-common postinst; I suggest that
> Unfortunately not, as this block is run *every* time files are installed,
> that is when mktexlsr is installed.

OK, but if it's necessary to run mtxrun there, which rebuilds MkII,
then surely it's necessary to rebuild MkIV?

> Some similar code has to go into
> 	run_fmtutil()
> to make sure that when formats are rebuild, also cont-en is rebuilt.

Hmm, why?  /etc/texmf/fmt.d/20context.cnf has lines for rebuilding
cont-en (MkII by the looks of things) using pdftex and xetex (but not,
apparently, using mtxrun), but run_fmtutil() has nothing for building
the context formats using mtxrun.

I also notice that there are no lines there or anywhere else in
/var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf for rebuilding MkIV using luatex.
Maybe this fmtutil cnf file should include the luatex MkIV version
too?  And that might be sufficient, but maybe not, as MkIV is built
differently (using luatools)?

Best wishes,


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