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Bug#818372: tex-common: Trigger fails on initial install of tex-common

Hi Martin,

> I just ran into a similar problem.  I tried to install the
> build-depends for debian-history in an armel chroot.  The chroot is
> unstable but probably out-of-date by a few weeks.

Hmm, sounds not correct. The errors mentioned below can only happen
with rather recent TeX Live as this was changed in TeX Live on Jan 14.

> I haven't touched the chroot since then, so I can run further tests
> for you.

I have a suspicion: My guess is that you have an *old* version of
texlive-base installed, with a new version of texlive-lang-japanese.

Can you send me please:
* versions of texlive-base and texlive-lang-japanese
* output of 
	updmap --version
  (this should be
	updmap version r42939 (2017-01-13 15:32:10 +0100)

My guess is that I need stricter dependencies on texlive-base from

This is only a problem for upgrades sid -> sid, but not from
stable -> sid/testing as the deps are basically 
"use anything 2016 like".



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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