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Re: Stuck...

> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:36:20AM -0700, Brian Hazelwood wrote:
> > Good Morning,
> > 
> > I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time.  I have not had any problems untill this point.  After I am prompted for my "debian login" and password, I recieve the date, time and copywrite info.  However after this I recieve a line  "debian:~#" with the curser waiting for a reply.  I have typed in numerous characters and numbers to no avail.  
> > 
> > Is this a licence #?  What should I do from here?  
> Like I said, you sound like you need to brush up on Unix commands, so find
> some good texts on-line (sorry, I don't have a URL).

One Url to start with is:

And then we have sites like:

Good luck
Daniel Fahlgren

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