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Re: Stuck...

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:18:34PM +0200, Daniel Fahlgren wrote:
> > On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:36:20AM -0700, Brian Hazelwood wrote:
> > > Good Morning,
> > > 
> > > I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time.
> > > I have not had any problems untill this point.  After I am
> > > prompted for my "debian login" and password, I recieve the
> > > date, time and copywrite info.  However after this I recieve
> > > a line  "debian:~#" with the curser waiting for a reply.  I
> > > have typed in numerous characters and numbers to no avail.  
> > > 
> > > Is this a licence #?  What should I do from here?  

Some documentation that exists right on your debian 2.1 installation:

Read files in /usr/doc/FAQ, /usr/doc/HOWTO, /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini.
There are a bunch of other directories in /usr/doc, one each for
various packages, so you can learn about a2ps (for instance)
by reading files in /usr/doc/a2ps.

Note that some of the HOWTO's are a bit out of date, but generally
still useful.

As to which ones to read first - well - schedule yourself a
couple of weeks and read a bunch and try stuff out.
It can take an awful long time...  Try
lynx file://localhost/usr/doc/HOWTO/index.html and
lynx file://localhost/usr/doc/FAQ/Linux-FAQ.html
for starters.  There are supposed to be two guides out
there somewhere, one called the Network Administrator's
Guide (NAG) and one called the System Administrator's
Guide (SAG) but once again I can't find them in the
/usr/doc directories.  That /usr/doc directory is just
too big.  Maybe NAG and SAG aren't in the /usr/doc
directory, I know they're out on the net somewhere
but I thought I remembered seeing them on my system too.

Tools to read the documentation with:

To read gz files, use zless on them (eg, to read FAQ.gz):
debian:~# zless FAQ
when in zless, type h for help on how to use it.

You can use lynx to read the html files.  (eg to read index.html):
debian:~# lynx index.html
Type "?" to get help on how to use lynx and "k" for a list
of keystrokes.  Lynx is much more powerful than it looks
at first.

There are man pages (as someone else described), and there are
info pages.  To read an info page, type

info <command>

and once in info, type ? to get help on how to use it.

The next step:
The next step after installing slink is to make yourself
a user account so you don't have to log in as root.  Then get
X Windows (XFree86) working I guess.  Have fun!

Have fun.

Oh, you might have to use dselect to install extra documentation
packages.  Have a look through dselect and see if there
are any documentation packages that haven't been installed,
and install them.

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