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I'm having a hell of a time with my ppp connection, and maybe somebody 
can help me out here. Everything works fine with a Slackware system I 
installed on a spare partition to try and track down this problem. 
However when I boot with my debian system (0.93R6) the ppp link is 
established, but behaves very oddly. For example, when telneting to my 
machine, you get a login: prompt, and a password: prompt, and then 
sometimes a Last Login line, and then it locks. If you check ps, there is 
a shell being run for the user telneting in, but the telnet from the 
outside never gets anything past the last login line. When I telnet out 
to chess.lm.com, anytime I type a line over around a full line or so, the 
connection locks up. I still receive data coming from the chess server, 
such as updates to games I am observing, public messages, etc..., but 
nothing I type ever gets to the server. If I refrain from typing long 
lines, I can be on for hours without problem. When ftping, I can download 
fine, and have downloaded several large files no problem, but when 
uploading to an account elsewhere, ncftp immediately jumps to 100% 
completed, does NOT give me back a prompt, and only a zero length file 
shows up on the other end.

This is the script I connect with:

pppd connect 'redial' /dev/modem 38400 lock debug crtscts defaultroute

and redial is just a script to repeatedly call chat until connected.

netstat -nr shows:

Kernel routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref Use    Iface UH    0      0        0 lo UH    0      0        0 ppp0         UG    0      0     4519 ppp0

Since I knew that it works with the Slackware installation, I booted my 
debian system with the kernel from my Slackware installation, and used 
the pppd from it, and got exactly the same results. I tried adding the 
default route manuallly instead of letting pppd do it. Frankly, I just 
don't understand the problem at all, and I'm hoping somebody can help me.
I'm using a static IP if it matters, and my /etc files are set up 
accordingly for my IP address, unless I've missed one.

							Shawn Asmussen

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