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Disappointment with Debian

I have been the user of Debian for quite sometime. Most of the time it
works fine but there are some critical times when the system fail when I
am not expecting it. For example I just received a CD from lsl for Debian
1.3.1 and I tried to update my debian 1.2 system. Now the Xserver is mixed
up and I cannot read xterm. Only root can use dip etc.

Why debian does not leave the system the way it was before the install?
Why make the whole X screen unreadable? Well right now I feel so bad.

Does anyone have any idea? I have Trident 94xx video card with 1 Meg.
Everything used to work fine before I inserted the CD and tried to upgrade
my system.

Thanks in advance,

D.J. Mashao,                         mashaodj@sunserver.engin.brown.edu

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