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Re: Netscape package won't configure

> If you have not done so, you need to retrieve the appropriate archive 
> file from ftp.netscape.com.  Debian cannot distribute this file because 
> Netscape is not "free" software.


I knew Debian couldn't directly package Navigator, but I guess I
assumed that since the package was there, that restriction had been

Thanks.  I've downloaded the file, it installed.

Of course, now I get this:

Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap file: %{
    Cannot allocate colormap entry for default background

    Cannot allocate colormap entry for default background
bus error

I'm sure this has been asked many times, but a search at
cgi.debian.org didn't turn it up (search program problem?).  What
causes this?

XFree86 3.3, Trident TGUI9682 based video card (Jaton Video 57-P).

Thanks again.

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