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Compressed docs and man pages in Debian packages

I just looked at the new packages in 1.3.1.  I tried to installing
jdk1.1 and find out that all the documentation provided by Sun (API,
demos) are compressed.

The same happens for other packages too.  The dvi files which are part
of teTeX package are compressed too.  This makes reading of these
files not easier.

On the other hand a lot of manpages (where all clients I know support
compressed pages) are stored uncompressed.

Why is the documentation treated this way?  Saving space is a good
reason but IMHO compression is not well suited for html and dvi files.
I would be forced to uncompress all these files to use it and there is
no longer saved space.  Do not to forget the undermining of the
package system, the uncompressed files would stay installed while
removing the according packages.

PS: The best solution would probably be the e2compr patch for transparent
    compression in ext2fs but I don't know if this software is stable 
    enough for everyday usage.


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