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Re: What linux needs (off topic)

Is this something that requires a valid username/password to send mail? I
am interested in anything like this for mailing and posting control. It
wouldn't bother me a bit if the non-linux users had to use local dialup to
send mail or news. They can wait for Microsoft to give them a new mail

On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, George Bonser wrote:

> Something that linux SORELY needs is a mail client that can use the Xtnd
> Xmit POP3 command to SEND email via POP3.  This should not be very
> difficult to build and can make life easier for systems that must access
> another network's mail server for email that denies external access to
> SMTP sending for anti-spam reasons.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:paulwade@greenbush.com              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
+ http://www.greenbush.com/cds.html         Now shipping version 1.3.X +

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