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the ghost of permissions past


This afternoon I noticed that while web browsing netscape kept losing
focus, but could be restored with a right-click on the titlebar.  Then I
noticed I couldn't edit files (text, cgi, rename..).  There were also
about five xv zombies which I couldn't kill -9 in an ssh root window.

I shutdown to leave, and am now having the same problem: apps don't take
focus on start (I can force focus with a right click on the titlebar,
though) and I can't edit files in filerunner, exmh, (I can't type in
xterms or rxvt's).

I think I screwed up some permissions, because if I login as root and
startx, all works great.  Basically, the only control I have is mouse
clicks and I can type in the one xterm which is loaded in my
system.steprc but apps spawned from this one terminal, even if I ssh
root, have only mouse control with--I can read mail and click buttons
in exmh, but I can't type anything.

I looked through my logs and history files, but don't see any errors or
problems.  Today I relocated some backup files but didn't make any
changes to my user's config files (very minor mods to a few system
config files, deleted some junk). One thing I did that seems suspicious,
even though I've done it many times is that I chowned files (chown -R
kotsya.kotsya /home/kotsya/*) several times after messing around with
some user html, cgi, jpg files, but permissions look ok, I think.

Does anybody know what permission would dissallow user to edit own
files, have problems taking focus, and for apps started from that sole
working terminal window, even when ssh'ed to root to act likewise?

Bah, humbug!

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