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Re: Documentation suggestion (was Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows)

>>>>"HM" == Hamish Moffatt schrieb am 24 Mar 1999 23:19:54 +0100:

 HM> IMHO, the info browser (in emacs or standalone) adds little
 HM> functionality over a plain HTML document, except that it is much
 HM> less accessible for non-emacs users.

I disagree. What if you don't have lynx installed and _need_ the
documentation ? How do you access KDE-information for example without
a working browser - well, you have to use less/more/cat just as with
info pages.

The main difference is not that info has substantially more to offer
than HTML but that the info pages were there a long time before HTML
hit the scene. There _are_ a lot of people who like using info (me,
for example, as I love the info capabilities of Emacs) and I would be
really annoyed if support for this format would be dropped.

---          http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer/            ---
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 Turing-Maschinen fruehstuecken koennen und nicht gerade Semesterferien
 sind."            -- Sven Türpe in de.sci.informatik.ki

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