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Re: Toshiba Satellite 2520CDS

>>>>> "Stanley" == Stanley J Benes <benes@cig.mot.com> writes:

    Stanley> The toshiba laptops require special (kernel?) install
    Stanley> called the tecra. I think it's on the 2.1 slink CD, but I
    Stanley> don't have my machine by me right now to check.  Try
    Stanley> looking for and using this.

You can also turn off the internal and external caches and use a
regular boot image - at least, when installing hamm on a Toshiba
Satellite 4020CDT, you can, and since the problem with bzImage kernels
is related a cache problem, it seems logical that it would work for
all the others, too.

This, of course, makes it agonizingly slow... but it does work.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

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