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Re: C programing

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:07:28PM +0000, John Carline wrote:
> Stephan Engelke wrote:
> > How 'bout "Kerninghan, Ritchie:  The C Programming Language". Sorry,
> > forgot the publisher.
> > There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around.  Check
> > your local bookstore.

> After spending the last two days trying to convert a C program I wrote some 
> 6 years ago in microsoft C into linux. I just have to echo this question.
> Is there no linux specific/best book that covers gcc and g++.  One that
> includes all the standard library calls . I currently have four books on
> C (not the Kerninghan book though. I'll have to go look at it) and 
> they're basically worthless. I'm not sure if it's that they're simply
> too old or too 'microsoft', but I'd love to find a
> book on gcc that would be a simple but complete reference for the 
> occasional C programer.

Kerninghan/Ritchie do not cover gcc as such - even though most of their
examples are take from a UNIX system and some are based on UNIX
systems.  "The C Programming Language" is IMHO a book to learn the
basics from. 
It's not the book you want to read to assist you in porting software
from one system to another.  For special needs regarding Linux systems 
refer to the library's info-documentation.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke                                    engelke@math.uni-hamburg.de

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