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Thanks! got my VPN up!

Thanks to those who helped me with getting started with a vpn.  i ended up
going with vpnd 1.0.0 (compiled from source) on slink with a 2.2.10 kernel
..it was quite a headache trying to sort out 6 different ips and 8
different routes but a friend and i finally got it fully functional
today(thankss to the people on the vpnd mailing list too :) )

i made my company buy the advanced linux reference and O'Reilley 's
learning debian/gnu linux books even tho i never used em..gotta support
the community!!

thanks again! this kicks ass


----------------------------------------[mailto:aphro@aphroland.org ]--
   Vice President Network Operations       http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited      http://www.aphroland.org/
       Everett, WA 425-348-7336            http://www.linuxpowered.net/
            Powered By:                    http://comedy.aphroland.org/
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP            http://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-----------------------------------------[mailto:aphro@netquest.net ]--
6:47pm up 91 days, 6:22, 1 user, load average: 1.83, 1.77, 1.71

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