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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 07:46:30PM -0800, Michael M. wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 14:34 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > Or a Brit needing an operation for which there is a very long
> > waiting list because of NHS inefficiencies?
> Life Expectancy at birth (years):
>          U.S.     E.U.     U.K.     Canada
> Male:    75.02    75.10    76.09    76.86
> Female:  80.82	  81.60    81.13    83.74
> Total:   77.85    78.30    78.54    80.22
> Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births)
>          U.S.     E.U.     U.K.     Canada
> Male:    7.09     5.60     5.67     5.15
> Female:  5.74     4.50     4.47     4.22
> Total:   6.43     5.10     5.08     4.69
> Sure looks like socialized medicine is sucking there, huh?
> I guess conservatives in the U.S. are only concerned about a the life
> cycle of fetus until a baby is born, after which it's fine by them if
> the baby dies, as long as the dreaded spectre of "Universal Health Care"
> is kept at bay.
So what?  The US also has the highest levels of obesity in the world.  I
*highly doubt* that even if the US happened to implement that absolute
best model government healthcare it would change very much.  That is,
beyond making people more dependent on government.

Of course, you can choose to continue to ignore the people who point out
things like how long "beneficiaries" of government healthcare have to
wait for things like surgeries.  Because, you know, I'd rather live an
extra year longer laid up in bed because I had to wait two years for a
hip replacement, instead of getting the hip replacement in 4 weeks and
dying a year earlier.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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