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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 07:04:13PM -0800, Freddy Freeloader wrote:

If we do go socialistic this nation will have abandoned what made it
great.  I hope you do notice that the further we move toward socialism
the more our country has declined in both moral fiber and in respect by
the rest of the world.  We became great because anyone had a chance to
work and make it on their own, not by promising everyone that the state
would run every aspect of their lives.  In fact, immigrants came here
because they state didn't interfere with their lives.

Being rom the rest of the world, I have been losing respect for the United States because it fails to ensure a minimum standard of living for its people, and sends out armies to interfere in how the rest of the world runs its lives.
I am from the U.S., Hendrik, but I am with you on both counts. I could certainly do with a few less invasions of other countries and spending that time, effort, and money on improving things for the citizens of our own country.

Marc Shapiro

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