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Re: Perfect Jessie is something like this...

On 10/31/2014 at 09:53 PM, lee wrote:

> Don Armstrong <don@debian.org> writes:
>> On Fri, 31 Oct 2014, lee wrote:

>>> Then the software shouldn't depend on a library it doesn't need.
>> It needs the code paths of the library in some cases, therefore it
>> links with the library, therefore the library must be installed if
>> the binary is to run.
> It doesn't need these code paths.  The library doesn't do anything
> unless you do have the software actually running which the library
> makes useable --- at least that's what was said.

I think you're using differing definitions of "need", and talking past
each other. (Possibly intentionally so?)

In one sense, no, the program doesn't need the code paths which use the

However, the only way the program can tell that it doesn't need those
code paths is to try to call them. If it tries to call them and they
aren't there to be called, it will crash.

Thus, the program needs to have the library available, so that the
library can tell it "no, you don't need this" by simply returning from
the function call without taking any action.

The alternative is for the program to try to detect the presence of the
library at runtime, by calling functions that will be available
regardless of whether the library is present, and checking for signs of
the library's presence. This is much more complicated, heavy-weight, and
error-prone, as can be seen by examining the configure script of any
decently-sane program's build system.

Or you could implement the program in a language which supports
something like try..catch syntax, so that you can try a function call
and simply transfer flow to a different control path (rather than
crashing) if the function is not available. Not all languages support
this, however, and certainly AFAIK C does not; I don't know of a C++
feature like that either.

> Of course, not all cases are the same, yet in this case, the library
> shouldn't be installed unless the software it is for is installed.

While this is true, the question is how "the software for it" is to be
defined. Under the definition which is pretty much unalterably necessary
for software written in C (and possibly for any software linked at
runtime by ld.so), "any software which contains a call to a function not
provided outside of the library" would have to qualify.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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