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Re: installation disclaimer

On 11/03/2014 10:05 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Du, 02 nov 14, 11:35:00, Diogene Laerce wrote:
>> I didn't find any related NEWS.Debian execpt the NEWS.Debian.gz found
>> in /usr/share/doc/apt/NEWS.Debian.gz : is it what you're talking about ?
> Not in particular. apt-listchanges will hooks into apt (dpkg?) and 
> displays any new stuff found in a NEWS.Debian[.gz] file of the packages 
> you are upgrading.
> If you don't want to see them you can remove apt-listchanges or change 
> it's configuration.

Ok, I got it. :)

So I set the pager to none, like that I can still receive updates by mail.

Thanks a lot, best regards

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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