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Re: Perfect Jessie is something like this...

Don Armstrong wrote:
Quoting myself from
with modifications.

On Wed, 05 Nov 2014, Tanstaafl wrote:
Personally I think the biggest issue with Jessie at present is the
inability to do a clean install with sysvinit rather than systemd as
the init system.
That preseeding doesn't do this is a bug, it's filed (#668001), and the
patch for it was just written on October 17th. Because Debian is going
to freeze for Jessie in under 7 *hours*, the maintainers aren't going to
apply this patch this close to release without extensive testing.

Furthermore, the effect of this patch is trivially obtained by using a
late_command to remove systemd-sysv and install sysvinit-core.

If you actually want to see this patch applied to the version of the
Debian installer that Jessie will release with, you should coordinate
with the nice people in #debian-boot to see what type of testing they
would want to see before they are willing to vet the patch.

Well, actually - I attempted to do just that, and received no response. Someone else did some testing and reported it against the bug. Still, no comments back from anyone.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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