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Re: Perfect Jessie is something like this...

Tanstaafl wrote:
On 11/5/2014 1:35 PM, Don Armstrong <don@debian.org> wrote:
It's not an RC bug because it's easy to overcome with a late command.
Not understanding this reference - so, you're saying you *can* perform a
clean install of Jessie using sysvinit for the init system, just using a
special command during the install process?

No, what you can do is immediately uninstall systemd, and install systemvinit- "late" in the install process.

Personally, I don't see that as equivalent. There are way too many inter-twined dependencies that have to be unwound at that stage - making this quite different from a clean sysvinit install.

That the bug dates back quite a while - originally reported by someone trying to do a clean install of systemd, into Wheezy, makes me wonder about how real support for multiple init systems is really going to be as we move down the road.

I agree that it should be a showstopper. But then, I'm not part of the release team.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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