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Re: Joey Hess is out?

On 11/8/2014 10:03 AM, Mart van de Wege <mvdwege@gmail.com> wrote:
> Quite frankly, I'm disgusted. A developer with a lot of contributions is
> chased away by the noise made by a bunch of whiners who can't even be
> bothered to set up a test server.

Obviously you didn't bother to read his posts.

His problem was not directly about anti-systemd people (whiners as you
call them).

> And because some devs want to placate those whiners, we get interminable
> political games and good people quitting the project.
> Why don't the anti-systemd people do what they've been threatening the
> whole time and fuck off to another distro or to FreeBSD?

Wow. Just wow.

Yes, there is a lot of FUD spread by anti-systemd people - just as there
is by the systemd proponents.

But lumping everyone who has serious questions about the direction
systemd is going - as well as the main drivers of it - in with the
'whiners' is just plain wrong, especially ending with a 'fuck off'
comment like that.

I thought this list had some minimal etiquette requirements? Do the list
moms really allow comments like the above to stand? If so, I guess
Debian has fallen farther than I thought, and maybe it *is* time to look
elsewhere - even though I just got here...

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