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Re: systemd-free alternatives are not off topic.

On 25/11/14 02:01, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> On 11/24/2014 8:58 AM, Martin Read wrote:
>> On 24/11/14 13:25, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> And exactly what is the "Debian way" to add custom (NOT customized
>>> pre-packaged) software to the system?
>> As far as I can tell, the obvious things that go into the "Debian way"
>> for installing custom software are:
>> 1) If your software isn't installed via Debian's packaging system, avoid
>> conflicts with the packaging system by installing it in places that
>> Debian's packaging system is not supposed to manipulate (e.g. /usr/local)
> Sometimes.  Often, though, they go in places like /bin or /sbin - as was
> done in Unix 25 years ago.

UNIX != Linux

and,dist-upgrades won't over-ride binaries or scripts *unless* the sys
admin has failed (BP and admin 101) by installing packages with names
that conflict with regular distro supplied binaries/scripts.
Dependencies for custom installs *should* be catered for by the
"installing admin" - apt is good, but it's not magical (neither is any
package manager). i.e. expect the impossible and prepare for failure
(and don't expect professional credits).

>> 2) If your software needs an "init script", make sure that your script
>> includes a correct LSB header and supports at least the "standard" verbs
>> with their expected meanings.
> Some do, some don't.  Many times they are just simple scripts to start a
> daemon because they don't depend on another system daemon starting.

Agreed - but not useful in 'this' context. Does not parse. Please expand
- specifics would be useful (pretend you're writing a use-case for
change control). Your time is not less or more valuable than any one
else's (an hour is worth exactly one hour).

> Jerry

Kind regards

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