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Re: Issue with Orca Screen Reader

You don't install debian that way.

To install debian you boot the disk and at the beep hit s then hit
enter.  Orca is not used to install debian, that's done using espeakup.
If it works, you'll be asked which language to use.  A numbered list of
languages will be spoken and you choose your number type it in at the
prompt and hit enter.
I have been totally blind all of my life and just finished a debian
install yesterday.
Pretty far into the installation you'll get the opportunity to install
desktops like cinnamon lxde and mate.  Mate apparently is the most
accessible of these.
I had no help with the debian installation either and that's because
enough instructions got spoken I was able to do it by myself.  So, now
that you know how to start an install process let's see how you do.

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, Analis Dannen wrote:

> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 16:14:44
> From: Analis Dannen <phoenix.grey1991@gmail.com>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Issue with Orca Screen Reader
> Resent-Date: Sat,  6 Jun 2020 20:14:59 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Greetings
> This is Analis. I am tryint to install Debian 10.4.0 on my computer
> and cannot. I am completely blind and rely on Orca to read me the
> screens. It is not reading me the installation instructions when I try
> to install the operating system. In fact, it does not say anything at
> all, not even key presses. Here is what I have tried.
> Enabling the root account in the terminal
> Logging out of the live user session then logging back in after the
> root account is enabled
> Logging into the root account, only to find that orca does not seem to be there.
> What can I do to get orca to do what it is supposed to do. I really
> want to install Debian. Please respond to this Email as soon as
> possible. Thank you!


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